Posted by Leeladevi Mani on 25-12-2019 in Fertilizers never



Panchagavya is an organic plant growth promoter that increases plant growth by giving high yield. Panchagavya is made from five products of cow namely cow dung, cow urine, milk, curd and ghee. Along with this, other products such as sugarcane juice, well ripened bananas and tender coconut water is added and mixed well for 21 days to get the desired effects. Panchagavya induces plant growth and immunity in plants. Let us see some of the advantages of it.

Panchagavya induces dense flowering with more female flowers which in turn results in more yield.

Panchagavya treated plants produces broader leaf and the stem branching is comparatively high.

The rooting is dense and profuse and the roots grow into deep layers enabling absorption of nutrients and water to maximum level.

Vegetables look shiny with extended shelf life

In flowering plants, panchagavya induces continuous flowering throughout the year.

Exceptional aroma and fragrance can be found in jasmine with no incidence of bud worms.

In guava, shelf life of the fruit is extended by 5 days.



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